Year: 2013 Volume: 11 Issue: d

Online Sport Consumption Motives: Why Does an Ethnic Minority Group Consume Sports in a Native and Host Country through the Internet? Jae-Pil Ha, Jae-Hyun Ha, Keunsu Han Year: 2013 Volume: 11 Issue: d Pages: 63-89 Abstract: Due to the ever-increasing popularity of the...

Year: 2013 Volume: 11 Issue: c

Management of Ethical Problems in Sport Within the Justice Framework Miltiadis Proios, Ioannis Athanailidis, Michalis Proios, Fotis Mavrovouniotis Year: 2013 Volume: 11 Issue: c Pages: 42-62 Abstract: Sport is a social environment in which the occurrence of ethical...

Year: 2013 Volume: 11 Issue: b

Collegiate Intramural Sports Participation: Identified Social Outcomes Jill R. Sturts, Craig M. Ross Year: 2013 Volume: 11 Issue: b Pages: 25-41 Abstract: Collegiate recreational sports provide many avenues for student development resulting in various benefits that...

Year: 2013 Volume: 11 Issue: a

How Previous Visits Shape Trip Quality, Perceived Value, Satisfaction, and Future Behavioral Intentions: The Case of Forest-Based Ecotourism in Sri Lanka Priyan Perera, Richard Vlosky Year: 2013 Volume: 11 Issue: a Pages: 1-24 Abstract: A better understanding on...

Year: 2014 Volume: 16 Issue: d

Sport and Common Business Practices for the Sport Investor through the Lens of Islam Chad Seifried, Mojdeh Pajoutan Year: 2014 Volume: 16 Issue: d Pages: 69-93 Abstract: The size of the Muslim market has attracted many investors. However, sport investment in Muslim...