An Empirical Exploration of Relationships Between Personal Values and Spectator Sport Consumption
Li-Shiue Gau, Jeffrey D. James
Year: 2014 Volume: 16 Issue: b
Pages: 37-55
Abstract: This study examined relationships between personal life values and spectator sport consumption. From Kahle (1983), Rokeach (1973), and Schwartz (1992, 1996) value systems, twenty-eight personal values were identified probably relevant to spectator sport consumption for inclusion in a survey. A questionnaire was designed to assess the importance of each value and the frequency of spectator sport consumption. The questionnaires were administered through which 384 participants rated the importance of each value in their daily lives. The questionnaires also included assessment of spectator sport consumption in terms of in-person viewing, media consumption, and discussion with others. Using an exploratory logistic regression with values as predictor variables and consumption as a dependent variable, it was concluded that values of loyalty and a sense of accomplishment predicted consuming spectator sports. These values might stimulate motives of team affiliation and vicarious achievement for watching sports. On the other hand, those who placed importance on creativity and morality tended to consume spectator sports to a lesser degree. These results provided a better understanding of motivation for sport consumption and indicated possible negative connotations of spectator sports.